How To Make Soil For Bonsai Tree


How To Make Soil For Bonsai Tree

Roots need air, water and chemicals. This determines what you use for soil. The most common problem is not giving roots enough air. Tree roots need oxygen just as much as water; otherwise, we would grow them in mason jars full of water. The soil has to have spaces for water to drain out and air to replace it.  

At last  I Say ---- Soil Needs air Spaces, Some Water retention and Organic Material For Food.

Soil Is The Most Important To Supply Bonsai Trees Nutrients, But It also Must Be Need Drain Properly and also Provide  Enough aeration and Retain Water. Most of the Bonsai Shops Sell Ready –Mixed Soil, If you Want You can buy  It Or Make Soil adjust Mixtures.

Different Tree-Species Demand Different Soil Mixtures. So Make Sure and Find The Optimum Mixtures For Individual Trees.  How ever we make two Soil Mixtures.One For  Deciduous Trees and Second For Coniferous Trees. Both Mixtures with aeration,  Drainage and Medium Water retention.. 

 Organic Soil  

  • ·        50% Soil
  • ·        25% Fertilizer  Or  Organic Potting Compost
  • ·        25% Send 

Coniferous / Pine Tree Bonsai  Soil
  • ·        60% Soil
  • ·        10% Organic Potting Compost
  • ·        30% send 

After potting a tree, it needs special care for two reasons. First, the fine roots growing into the new soil are very easily broken. Therefore, absolutely avoid moving the tree around in the soil. Don't touch it; don't try to work on it; don't even leave it where it might be bumped or disturbed until the roots grow and strengthen (about 2-4 weeks). 

Second, the tree will have trouble absorbing water until the roots recover and begin growing. In fact, after the initial soaking you should let the soil get relatively dry before the first watering to stimulate the roots to grow. The main thing is to prevent the tree from losing too much water through transpiration. Some water is lost through evaporation from the leaf surface itself; 

How To Make Soil For Bonsai Tree How To Make Soil For Bonsai Tree Reviewed by Unknown on 6:33 AM Rating: 5

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