Style : The Basic Style Of Bonsai

This is List Of The Basic Bonsai Style but It is Not  Means That a Complete List Of Bonsai Style... Many Variation of different style have that Exist.

Informal Upright

This Style most commonly Seen in bonsai and also Nature. this style used for most tree species bonsai tree. The turnk can twist, turn and change direction with a number of bends along its length though the growth is normally upwards.
informal upright bonsai style
Informal Upright Bonsai Tree

Branches tend come to view  the outside of bends. Branch come to view directly from the inside of bends often look out of depth. Overall Shape of an informal upright is often Erratically  triangular but dose not have to be.

Coniferous species such as pines and juipers ase often seen with largly horizontal branching and clearly defined "clouds" of foliage. 

Formal Upright Bonsai:

Formal Upright Style Trunk  is Fully straight and Upright. Up to that time a famous style but now much less commonly seen as the maximum of upright bonsai style have some movment that make them informal uprights.

formal upright style bonsai
Formal Upright Bonsai
  Preferably the trunk should Display an even taper from base to apex. This form replicates trees growing unimpeded in open growing condition without competition from other trees. The branches leave the trunk alternatively from left to right to back and no branches face the front until the top third of the tree. All The  branches will be mainly horizontal or slightly drooping as if weighed down by snow in winter. This can be  a difficult form to

carry out convincing and it is recommended that only trees with a naturally straight trunk be used. the silhouette of a formal upright is triangular though not strictly symmetrical.

Deciduous species are unsuitable as formal uprights. coniferous species such as yew, swamp cypress and cryptomeria make good candidates. 

 Broom Style:

Broom Style bonsai be similar to the old trees found along City Streets Or in Orchards. 
broom style bonsai

A Deciduous Species is  Groomed To Form A Crown Of  Radial Branches That Show a Great Deal of  Implication
(Branching Twigs), Thereby Creating A Beautiful  Expression of An old Tree.
Some Broom Styles have  
A Main  Trunk To The Apex;

Others Have Branches Radiating From One Central Point,
As Show In The Drawing.

Broom Style Bonsai Can Be Divided Into Two Types :

# Formal Broom Style

# Informal Broom Style


Formal Broom Style:

The Best Known Broom  Form Has A Main Trunk That Divides At A point Into three Or More Branches Of Roughly Equal Thickness Grow Out Diagonally Upwards From The Central Trunk.

The main trunk of The Formal Broom  Tends To Be 1/3 Of The Overall Height Of The Bonsai. There are No Horizontal Branches; All Branching Is Placed Diagonally In A Fan-Shape With No, Or Very Few, Crossing Branches.

There Are Dissimilarity Of The Classic Formal Broom; There Can be Main Trunk That Runs From Base To Apex Of The Tree. However Unlike A (In) Formal Upright, The Branches Are Nearly As Thick And Dominant As The Central Trunk, But All Of These Branches Are Placed At Upturned Diagonals From The Main Trunk, Forming A Broom Shape


Informal Broom Style

There Is No Reason Why A tree Without In A  Straight Line Trunk
informal broom style bonsai
Cannot Be Used For The Broom Style. A Trunk Movement Is Simply An Informal Broom.

The Most Common Informal Broom Style Possibly Seen In Nature



Style : The Basic Style Of Bonsai Style : The Basic Style Of Bonsai Reviewed by Unknown on 12:23 PM Rating: 5

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